Friday, June 27, 2008

The past to Cor'Nal Utharo

Cor'Nal was born August 2nd in the heart of Kemmermere during one of the worst rain storms the area had seen in centuries. He was the only child born to Legawyn and Nydia Utharo. His family lived in a small hovel outside of the towns. His father worked as a messenger, traveling between the larger cities of the great forest they called home, while his mother worked at their home doing the daily chores and raising a garden to support the family and earn a little extra coin.

As the years passed and Cor'Nal grew older his father started to take him on some of the shorter messenger runs and his mother opened a small store for herself in one of the great forests small cities. While out in the forest Legawyn taught Cor’Nal to live off what was available to him and not to waste anything. While on their messenger runs Legawyn noticed something strange happening. He noticed that there were more numerous animals nearer to where they would travel and make camp and unlike usual they weren't hostile, they seemed curious. As time went on he noticed that these events only happened when Cor’Nal was with him. He noticed that Cor'Nal could calm a horse with just a touch or tame a wild dog with but a few words and with that Legawyn and Nydia knew that they had no normal child but a child with great gifts that had been bestowed by Kutenai himself.

At the age of 70 Cor'Nal was trained by his father and mother not only in the ways of the wild but also in the art of sword play and the ways of their god. By the age of 75 Cor'Nal had exceeded his parents and was sent out for further teachings in the great city of Sanctuary where he was further trained by a man known as Lythalruil (Ly=wolf, thal=healer, ruil=noble) a close friend to his father and a man known as a fine blades man but a wild man. Over the next ten years Cor'Nal trained hard under Lythalruil learning that his gift was more than just to attract animals but he could calm them and call them to his aid. He also learned that like a Cleric he could heal small wounds and like a mage he could cause small amounts of harm if needed but he still couldn't control his powers.

On one late fall morning Lythalruil and Cor'Nal were surprised to see Legawyn standing before them bearing a message. The high Council was calling for Lythalruil to aid the great forest. So at the age of 85 Cor'Nal returned with his father as a skilled swordsman and man of the wild. It was a joyous event for Legawyn and Nydia to have there son back once more but they knew that it wouldn't last long. It was only a few months after his return that his parents noticed that Cor'Nal was restless and that being stuck in one place not using what he learned was taking its toll on him. So late one evening over their supper Cor’Nal's parents bid him to go out into the world and use the gifts Kutenai had given him to explore and to make a name for himself. So, with there blessing that is what he did that very next morning.

In the next 10 years that followed Cor'Nal hadn't made a name for himself or his family yet but he had been traveling and had traveled all the way east to the Vesbeeg forest. Once there he planned to travel north but stopped in the Twin Towns first, where there was a struggling farmer that he knew could use some help. For the next 4 seasons he stayed until Dorian Haysted the owner of the farm fell ill with a fever and passed away. Once again Cor'Nal was alone and back on the road heading north as he had planned.

Cor'Nal made it as far as the forest of Little Wood in the Halfling republic of Murgar in the next 6 years. While there he started to hear that the real adventures were up in the frozen north and that’s when he knew where he needed to be. Once again he headed out but this time he felt like he had purpose and a place to be. He abandoned the easy, slow, pace that he had been going at for so long and began moving more swiftly than ever before.

Cor'Nal also found that his powers were becoming more controlled and easier to focus upon; he even picked up an eagle he named Kordre (Kor=black, dre=charm) as a traveling companion for some time. In just a little over 2 years time Cor'Nal made it all the way back to the Dwarven kingdom of Thorak which was nestled in the same mountains that bordered the Great Forest of Kemmermere. It was from there that he headed north until reaching the Town of Goodale in just a years time which was a slower pace than he had wanted to go. His pace slowed greatly with home so close by, he was often tempted to return to his friends and family after 22 long years on the road. While in the town of Goodale Cor'Nal was still hearing the stories of the adventure to be had in the north and the stories of the people who said that they had been there and were planning to return there once the winter was over just as Cor'Nal was planning to do. The following spring Cor'Nal headed out alone once more only to get to the nearby forest before befriending a young timber wolf he named Besali (Bes=Oath, ali=shadow) and over the next couple of months taught it a few tricks like how to carry a pack and how to hunt as a pair rather than a pack as well as how to stay or move at Cor’Nal’s call.

After about 6 months, and while he was finishing up training with the wolf Cor’Nal Spotted something out of place in the forest he had been in for so many months. He and his new companion started toward what looked to be a sleeping elf, a strange sight this far north and all alone. Cor'Nal was paying more attention to the weird sight than to where he was walking and stepped onto an old dried branch that snapped and in that instant; the lone elf awoke and sprung up swinging around long sword in hand. In the same instant Cor'Nal had his scimitar in hand facing the unknown elf. After what seemed like a few minutes Cor'Nal and the lone elf seemed to recognize one another. It was Cor'Nal that spoke first asking if the elf was from the Great Forest of Kemmermere and with a couple of other similar questions found that this elf was an old acquaintance of his by the name of Ademar Helyanwë. After eating breakfast together and chatting it seemed as if Ademar was hiding something or searching for something that he didn't want anyone to know about. If it hadn't have been for Ademar saying that his last name was Nightwalker rather than Helyanwë Cor’Nal would have never questioned anything. It didn't matter much to Cor'Nal that Ademar didn't want to give him the truth about what he was doing so far north it was just good to have another companion of the same race again.

As the season got longer the pair decided to wait out yet another winter in the safety of the town of Goodale which meant another year passed without Cor'Nal beginning to make a name for his family. The very next summer the pair continued on traveling north when they stumbled upon a confused half-Orc, lost in the forest. After much debate, they approached the beast, attempting to discern his motivation. Although dim-witted, the half-Orc, Vrock, was extremely gifted physically and offered no resistance to the Elven pair in their questioning. Vrock only wanted out of the woods and the elves saw an opportunity to add a measure of protection to their small party. Now a trio, the group pressed out of the deep forests and onto well traveled roads moving more easily on their journey north.

Finally on his way north the feeling Cor'Nal had just a few years ago for adventure are returned anew and with new companions by his side he is more confident than ever that he's going to be able to make a name for his family.


  1. Brilliant. Its nice to get a background on the mysterious druid. The unlikely friends he has made could wind up helping him create the sort of name for himself that he maybe didn't intend. This group is riding the razors edge right now. My observation is that Cor'Nal seems to be the wheel that rights the ship, if occasionally it falls off course.

    Also I loved the mention of Goodale. Thats one of my favorite town names. Always wanted to steer a PC group in that direction.

  2. Great job. I thought Ademar traveled a long way from home but he aint got nothin' on Cor'Nal, that is a lot of travel! Now we just need two more backgrounds to make the story more complete. We're halfway there.

  3. With the high survival score he traveled far and wide and learned the way of the wild in oder to say alive. Goodale was a cool place and he just had to stop in there for a bit.
