Monday, June 8, 2009

Wethiel Talquesse


–noun, plural -ties.
1. readiness or liberality in giving.
2. freedom from meanness or smallness of mind or character.
3. a generous act: We thanked him for his many generosities.

I did not think it was possible to sum up a persons' character in one simple word and perhaps you really can not. I do think that I'm very close to such a feat when I say that our mysterious friend from the clouds is, in one word, generous. For people she knows only by name, and most of those being just first names or aliases, she has toiled uncounted hours to produce wonderful tilesets which are used in a game she has never attended. She sings our praise when we write marginally entertaining blather about our adventures and fictitious deeds of greatness (or not so greatness...). And now when we least expect it we have these awesome mini sets dropped into our laps (although the DM was tempted by the dark side to not pass them on!)! If that is not generosity I do not know what is! I am surely glad to have made your acquaintance lady. It has most definitely been a surprising connection we have made with you. Thank you for all you have done and please let us know what we might do to repay you.


  1. Aye, thank you very much. Well said sir.

  2. Stunned silence.

    Repay Ademar? Why… don’t you know? You already have.

    It is I who am deeply in your debt. It is I who feel honored and blessed. The hospitality all of you have shown me by allowing me to view, and your willingness to graciously share your world, is far more treasure than I can provide in return. Each entry you write, each game you enjoy, every post, my appreciation remains and grows. I thank you for the ever-so-treasured blogs, and the creativity and hard work that go into them. The generosity truly belongs to you for making me feel so welcome to view, that, which is by all accounts, a rather personal world. I have never felt so less a stranger with friends I have not met face to face. Your kindness should not go unrecognized, and a few miniatures, no matter how well-meaningly given, is hardly repayment. Only a token gesture at best.
    To say I am stunned and slightly overwhelmed at the moment is to put it lightly. I really did not expect such a wonderful compliment. I find it difficult to adequately express myself – I apologize. I assure you, there is nothing I can say to properly thank you for such a kind word, or so much enjoyment.

    I remain respectfully yours with affection and gratitude.

  3. What can I say to further what has already been said? Nothing it seems.

    It is a fitting and accurate tribute to a most generous companion. Someone I am proud and humbled to call friend.

    I am honored that I am, by proxy, able to share her generosity.
