Thursday, January 29, 2009


Here is the image that was originally attached to my previous post. I figured that I should put it back up if I want it to make sense.


  1. Looking at this picture only reminds me of how bad I need to revise it. There is way too much open space as I made the map too large. I would love to redo the whole thing with one of the "Campaign Mapper" suites. Too bad I don't have a working copy.

    Wethiel and I have been talking about going in on the "ProFantasy Software" ( map makers for close to a year now. Maybe it's time to take the plunge.

  2. Aye! Maybe it be time to pick the locks on Wethiel's treasure chest....

    What say Cor'Nal Ademar and Luethar to this if I conjure it? Will Ademar return to find the pickings of a new town richer? Will Cor'Nal return to find his place of druidy goodness? Will Luethar manage not to get dead? Ahhhh... if only I had a seeing stone handy.
