Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mission Statement

I know I discussed this in part during our session Saturday but here's a recap.

I'm writing this blog for several reasons: Mostly as a means for us as PC's and DM to review our earlier session. My campaigns are character driven and therefore contain many characters, each with their own backgrounds, professions, personalities and story lines within the game. It can get very confusing and is a heavy burden for any PC to keep straight, especially with long hiatus' between sessions. We only play twice a month and when things come up at the last minute, as they have before in our game, it could be once a month or less. Remembering what the one girl npc said to the other npc girl about Ademar inside the one cave at that mountain range can be very difficult if we go six weeks between sessions. I have a subtle style when it comes to revealing heavy plot elements and what may have seen like an innocuous comment by an npc to you as PC's may have been the big clue given out to investigating heroes from me as the DM. Again, with several weeks between sessions things like that can be easily overlooked or forgotten.

My aim is to clear that up with this "blog". I abhor hand-holding so don't look for that here. So I will still be doing my best to avoid rubbing your nose in the obvious. But I will review what happened, when I can as soon as I can.

Another reason I'm writing this is as a creative outlet. My busy life and home environment no longer enables me to write regularly so D&D is it. And now writing about D&D. So, when I'm not working on our campaign, working on the review of our campaign or just, um, working, I'm going to write in this blog. For you.

Speaking of that: If you don't like this idea, or don't think you'll ever log on to read; Please, tell me now! If you aren't comfortable expressing yourself in front of the group, pull me aside, write me an email or punch me in the balls and tell me that I should spend more time working on my lame-ass campaign and less time writing about my lame-ass campaign... ANYTHING! I don't want to waste your time and I especially don't want to waste mine. I'm not writing this for me, at least not exclusively. So if you're not interested I need to know. I'll know who's reading and when, so, if I find you guys aren't checking the site once in a while I'll shut it down. I'd rather you let me know face to face though. Thanks in advance for your input.

On the subject of input, I want yours. Let me know what you think. Tell me when I screw up. Tell me when I get the facts wrong. Tell if you think I'm being too stingy or too much like Monty Haul. Tell me I'm a sucky DM. Tell me I'm the best DM in the state. Tell me anything, just give me some feedback. I want to know what you guys are thinking so I can try to be a better DM.

Also, if you are interested in contributing that would be freakin' sweet! If you are interested in putting together an npc profile, a short story (I'm looking at you Erich) or just background information on your PC that would be more than enough. If you think you may want to contribute let me know. I can set it up so that multiple users can blog on this site.

Lastly, although there are more, the final listed reason is fun. I'm doing this for fun and to test whether or not I can keep up with a weekly blog. If I can then maybe I can write a daily blog as well. Assuming I enjoy doing this of course.

So indulge me and check it out. If you like it and let me know you like it, I'll keep doing it. If you think its a waste of time let me know and I'll stop. Whatever... Either way I'll catch you guys in three weeks.

One more thing: Go for the (Fengis') money!

Told you I was subtle.


  1. Things I don't want to hear about... Misspellings, poor grammar, stuff like that. I want to hear constructive, helpful criticism. Unless I suck. Then just tell me I suck. You don't have to be constructive then.

  2. Oh yea, I will be going after Fengis' money and the gods help Cor'Nal if he tries to stop me this time!

  3. Still lurking. Still watching for more content! How's the new campaign coming?!
